Best way to create a evolving blog site (articles and notes)?

For years I have been trying to find a way to collate my thoughts/ research in the form of articles and notes. And I have been using Wordpress for that. Being a designer every couple of years I update the design and usually that breaks the design of previous blogposts and often I have deleted and recreate posts or just remove them.

So now I’m looking for a solution that can make it easy for me to retain all the articles and base layouts. Even when I update my core website. What could be the best way to do this?

I would appreciate if you could share your thoughts on this.

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To create an evolving blog site that retains your articles and layouts even after design updates, consider using a static site generator like Hugo or Jekyll. These tools separate content from design, allowing you to update your site’s look without affecting your existing posts. Additionally, using version control (e.g- Git) can help track changes and revert to previous versions if needed. Pair this with a headless CMS like Netlify CMS for easy content management, and you’ll have a flexible, resilient blogging platform.

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