If not, do you have any other type of wearable tech, from the pebble, fitbit, or google glasses? Would you consider designing apps for them?
I have a fitbit that I barely use, because it tends to distract me more than it enriches my life. I grew up wearing watches so I’m comfortable with seeing the time on my wrist, but some of these new devices I find too distracting - my phone is capable of doing most of what I need so I’m happy with that.
Nope. In fact, I don’t even wear my dumb watch anymore as I found it to be more distracting than useful.
The only technology I carry on me is my phone and that is for productivity purposes, it lets me have my notes at a single swipe record things that I feel are important, and take photos of diagrams we may draw out in a conference room.
My wife on the other hand has a fitbit and a smartphone. She primarily uses both for her exercise/weight loss routines and loves the combination of the two as they seamlessly work together.
Wouldn’t buy one. I don’t have much interest in wearable tech - I have a fitbit but that’s it. I find it interesting, but wearable tech just hasn’t connected with me as yet. I find things like smart watches and google glass quite intrusive and kind of overkill.
Not only that… but I kind of find the Apple Watch pretty unattractive - both the interface and the product design.
It is overkill; even the way it’s advertised. Rumour has it Apple will be redesigning its stores to make it more attractive for people to buy the more expensive $10-17K watches, apparently because people need to stand on carpet when making such a purchase. Also it will be “less attractive to tourists and truants,” which I assume means these are people who frequent genius bars.
Well I thought the first iPad was a bad idea so shows what I know! lol For me, I think the watch is oriented for someone with a different lifestyle than mine. I have an iPhone which I LOVE!
I do have a Fitbit One which I love! It’s simple but gives me info I want. I love the sleep monitoring feature but too often I forget to start it.
I’m sure Apple knows it’s not gonna have gold watches flying off the shelf.
I wouldn’t mind to use Apple in the same way that I don’t mind if I could have a more powerful computer (I’m happy with mine)
But when I buy, normally I buy Android. The only think that I don’t like about Apple is that you’re kind of restricted to Apple Store.
I don’t use wearables so I don’t care about those. Now, I’ve seen the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and that’s certainly cool. A bit too pricey for me to get one but I would also love to have one of those lol
I’m rather older, so perhaps out of touch. But the last thing I need from Apple (or anyone else) is a watch. I have skinny wrists, so a watch always slipped down and irritated that bone on the outside of my wrist. I haven’t worn a watch for 15 years or so and have been loving my watch-less condition. Also it looks like a Nano. …and sounds like the battery life sucks even worse.
This product offering just is not cutting edge. I don’t know what I expected Apple to invent and amaze me with, but this watch is not it. I wonder how long they can coast on their laurels. I suspect, with this sort of product, ten years? or so?
iWatch doesn’t make sense to me, especially the price i’m sure if we wait for a while… the more alike will come to the market like flood, the one with right function and reasonable price.