Adobe Tools (iPhone/iPad)

Hey guys, recently Apple made some changes to its Developer agreements, and as a developer, we can now use any tools any frameworks to program to iPhones and iPads.* Wondering, if you have any suggestions on what Adobe tools we may be able to use today and in near future to program to iPhones/iPads.* Appreciate your help

There were talks about Flash CS5 being able to produce compiled apps (not the web Flash stuff) but Apple killed that by refusing every single app produced using that suites app building functions (even if it would have been compatible) on the basis of Flash’s constant security vulnerabilities. So while you can use any tool you like now, I suspect that it’s unlikely you’ll see anything from Adobe being accepted into the App store (using Adobe products at least) for a long while to come. :slight_smile:

That’s all incorrect.

There are flash compiled apps in the store (including some that have been there since before the flash ban) and more are getting accepted currently (have seen quite a few tweets recently where developers have had apps accepted). If you stick to the guidelines and write your app correctly using flash then it’ll get accepted. It’s by far not the best option of 3rd party tools to write iphone apps with, but it’s possible to do it.

Security vulnerabilities in flash player on the desktop have absolutely nothing to do with flash packager for the iphone - there is no flash runtime as the app is compiled to native code.

I presume you are aware of the Apple developer tools? (May be a dumb question, but I had to ask.)

Heh heh, I’m not sure Adobe and Apple are getting on all that well at the moment.