A small amount of text but alot of pages can do well on search engines?

I have over 2000 iTunes® widgets on my 175 page website, can that hurt my rankings with all the coding on a static website?

I have 175 web pages that have 80 to 20 Widgets added per page, only 6 pages have content other than just the names of the app/widgets in which are located directly below the widgets, could this be a problem for indexing all those pages?

It’s not likely the search engines will think much of them if there’s not much content. It would be worth adding some content that describes the wedget and what it’s for. Also, there of course need to be inbound links to the pages, or the search engines won’t find them.

I have attempted to add some widgets like google news, google books twitter etc, however pages are not ranked. While I have many pages with combination of good content and high ranked external linked which gets easily noticed by search engines

Do you know for sure that they are not indexed / ranked? There are billions of pages out there, so it’s not common for a page to be on page one of the search results.

Thanks ! By Clicking the Widgets they direct you to the Appstore, all the content description is very visible on the face of the App/Widget, adding description twice would be nice but it would just take up too much room on the mobile site and the desktop site, so I am kind of stuck with the layout.

That doesn’t really say anything about whether they are actually indexed/ranked by Google, though. On what basis are you saying they aren’t?

out of 175 pages only 3 pages are showing up on search engines, maybe it takes much more time, I see other sites do get indexed using one product description, showing just that product on a search engine in other words leading to that site, just the name under the Widget may be indexed a long time from now or never because such a short name description under the widget.

But showing up in what way? How are you searching for them? You may be searching using a keyword or two that you could never hope to get to the top of Google listings. If you enter the exact title of each page, do they come up then?

No they do not come up, many of the widgets I had changed the description a little, to make it different than other sites that may get indexed using the same widget title, it may just take much time, hopefully naming the widget in my own words helps? thanks

Yes, it may just take more time for Google to update itself. Are you just checking page 1 results, though, or digging a bit deeper? Sometimes I go up to 20 or 30 pages in the be reasonably sure whether a page has been indexed or not. And your titles may be too common. You might need something longer that is unique.