background-color (CSS property)

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This property sets the background-color of an element; it’s good practice to specify a foreground color (color) at the same time, to ensure that conflicts don’t arise with colors or backgrounds that are defined elsewhere.

The background of an element is the area covered by the width and height of that element (whether those dimensions are set explicitly, or the content dictates them); it also includes the area covered by padding and borders. A background-color (or background-image) that’s applied to an element will appear beneath the foreground content of that element, and the area covered by the padding and border properties for the element. This coverage area is evident where an element has transparent (or dotted or dashed) borders, and the background is seen beneath the borders (or between the dots). Note that Internet Explorer versions up to and including 6 don’t support transparent borders.

Some area of the element in question must be visible if the background-color is to show through. If the element has no intrinsic height (defined either by its content or its dimensions), the background will not be seen. If an element contains only floated children which haven’t been cleared then again the background won’t show, as the element’s height will be zero.

The background of an element isn’t inherited by its children as is commonly thought, it’ just that the background will be visible through the child element’s background as the default value is transparent.


This style rule assigns a white background (#fff) to the element with ID "example" :

  background-color: #fff;


color takes any valid CSS color value or color keyword.

The keyword transparent sets the background-color to be transparent. This value ensures that the content of any element that’s beneath the current element will be visible through the transparent background. The default for background-color is transparent, so there is no need to specify this value unless you’re overwriting previous definitions.

Color values can be represented in several different ways in CSS (e.g RGBA color values), and the topic is covered in the CSS Concepts section.

Tom TrumbleTom Trumble
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Tom is the product manager, data analyst and office barista at SitePoint.

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