Announcing the jQuery Standards Team

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Today we’re happy to announce the creation of a new jQuery sub-team called the jQuery Standards Team to give web developers a voice in the standards process. We all know that web standards are important. They help ensure the code we write works across different technologies, for people of different abilities and most importantly across all browsers.

That said, how often do we all feel our voices, suggestions and ideas are heard by those groups responsible for defining these standards? The reality is that whilst many of us would like to see change, due to time restrictions and lengthy formal processes we’re unable to participate in standards discussions, get involved with writing specifications and contribute to meetings about the future of features. This makes it difficult for web developers to have a voice.

yehunda katz

Yehuda Katz is team lead.


Paul Irish joins him.

Another problem is that for those that do get involved with the process, it can often feel like participating on a particular thread in standards mailing lists has a limited impact because the web community is so fragmented. Browser vendors are very active on these lists and there’s a tremendous amount of institutional knowledge assumed in almost all threads. Implementors on those lists have their own venues for discussing areas of shared concerns, but web developers wishing to particpate don’t, with the exception of the accidental meetups at conferences.

The jQuery project would like to help change this – we want you to have a voice in how the future of the web is shaped.

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Also, the first release candidate for jQuery 1.7 is now available! Test it now!

Test it now!

Sam DeeringSam Deering
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Sam Deering has 15+ years of programming and website development experience. He was a website consultant at Console, ABC News, Flight Centre, Sapient Nitro, and the QLD Government and runs a tech blog with over 1 million views per month. Currently, Sam is the Founder of Crypto News, Australia.

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