Abundance from the home office

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When I moved from Silicon Valley to Florida, I was concerned about whether there would be any kind of dynamic, technologically-savvy economy in the Sunshine State. For those who don’t know Florida, it is known for tourism (e.g. Disney World and beaches) and agriculture, not for knowledge-based industries.

I have found that if you are creative, everything you need is at your fingertips. There can be even more abundance in small ponds than in the big ones (like Silicon Valley). Here are examples:

1. I am now inaccessible to people. In Silicon Valley, there are tens of thousands of marketing consultants. Here in Florida, I’m quite unique. And now people from all over contact me as an expert, one outside the Silicon Valley “kool-aid drinking” community. They see me as objective, with fresh insights.

2. I’ve found some great assets in my own community and have worked with them to build some great websites on a joint venture basis: a professional boxer, a world champion kick boxer, a nutrition expert, a healthcare marketing expert, an investment banker, and more.

3. With the Internet, if there’s a missing resource in my area, it is easy to find someone who can help.

It doesn’t matter where you live. If you are creative, see possibilities, and can help other people, you can succeed.

Andrew NeitlichAndrew Neitlich
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