Web Directions 2010: And the Winners Are…

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A little while back we let you know how you could snare yourself a free ticket to the Web Directions 2010 event in either Australia or the USA by taking a simple quiz.

Well the quiz has finished, all eligible entries have been received, and today is the moment of truth.

I’m very happy to announce that the winners are:

  • Dean Hudson (Australia)
  • Grant Smith (USA)

Dean is a web/graphic designer working for an agency in Sydney. He also does a bit of freelancing on the side through his business, Minusfront. He has been a keen reader of the SitePoint blog for a few years now and regularly listens to the Podcast as well.

Grant has been following SitePoint for about 6 years. He works at an online graphics supply company, maintaining and updating their website, while also working as a freelancer on the side. He’s a web developer with a strong coding focus who is looking to improve his design skills.

The winners were selected by us here at SitePoint, using a random number generator.

A huge congratulations to Dean and Grant, we hope you have a blast at the respective Web Directions events!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the quiz. Don’t forget, if you missed out on the freebies you can still get a massive discount on tickets to either event by using the coupon code SITEPOINT when you register for Web Directions South in Australia or Web Directions in the USA. If you’re super quick, you can get up to $150 off the regular price!

Andrew GardnerAndrew Gardner
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