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Containers have definitively become the defacto standard for managing infrastructure, but until recently there wasn’t a decent way to manage them.
Now, we have Kubernetes, an open source platform (formerly a Google project) for managing containerized workloads and services.
If you’re at all involved with DevOps, or even just DevOps-curious, you’ve probably heard about Kubernetes. Or, you’ll have read about it, and never really understood how to pronounce it.
To clear that up:
It’s now the industry standard for deploying containers in production. It’s flexible and can run anything, it’s well-loved by developers. The Google pedigree doesn’t hurt, either.
Kubernetes removes a lot of the complexity of managing containers, making it easier to orchestrate when apps should run, where to find them, how to ensure they’re running, as well as things like autoscaling. You can also extend Kubernetes with custom resource definitions. People are building their own packages to make sharing applications easier, and it’s a vibrant ecosystem. It’s a new world!
If you’re at all interested in infrastructure management or DevOps as a passion or a career, right now Kubernetes is the thing you need to master!
Adam Roberts
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