No longer do you need to shudder at the thought of integrating a stylish form on your site. Fancy Form Design is a complete, step-by-step guide to creating beautiful web forms that are aesthetically pleasing, highly functional, and compatible across all major browsers.
What you will learn
* Plan your design with prototyping, visitor profiles, and use cases.
* Use grids, color, typography, icons, and texture in your design.
* Code with usable, accessible, and meaningful markup.
* Style with proven CSS tricks and techniques.
* Give your forms the “wow” factor with JavaScript
No longer do you need to shudder at the thought of integrating a stylish form on your site. Fancy Form Design is a complete, step-by-step guide to creating beautiful web forms that are aesthetically pleasing, highly functional, and compatible across all major browsers. All aspects of stunning form creation are covered in this book—from layout and composition through to best-practice CSS and HTML—topped off with a touch of JavaScript sparkle!
Who is this for?
If you’re involved with any part of the form creation process, this book is for you - whether you’re an experienced web developer who’s already built some forms, but found the results or a beginner just starting out on your web development career. You might be an interface designer, a HTML and CSS coder, a JavaScript guru, or a bit of all three.
Jina Anne
Tim Connell
Tim can often be found atop a soapbox talking about users, accessibility and sexy web technology. Tim is a technical consultant for Squiz, a leading enterprise content management company, and a developer with Fresh Interface.
Derek Featherstone
Derek is an internationally known speaker, practitioner, and authority on accessibility and inclusive design. He has been working on the web since 1999, when he left his career as a high school teacher to start his own web design company.
Tim Dawson
This is an excellent book which I've read cover to cover (printed version) and keep as handy reference whenever I need advice about creating forms.
Easy to follow and illustration easy to understand. It covers basics of Form Design as at the end of the book I feel that there should be more fancier form styl
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Fancy Form Design
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