Good coverage very useful.
Write better, more efficient CSS, and take advantage of the plethora of the new cutting-edge CSS features available to the front-end developer. You’ll also learn to master tools that will improve your workflow.
CSS has grown from a language for formatting documents into a robust language for designing web applications. Its simplicity is deceptive, however. It belies the complexity of the box model, stacking contexts, specificity, and the cascade. CSS mastery lies in understanding these concepts and how to take advantage of them.
This book will show you how to write better, more efficient CSS, and to take advantage of the plethora of the new cutting-edge CSS features available to the front-end developer. You’ll also learn to master tools that will improve your workflow.
This edition has been thoroughly updated to cover newer CSS features and techniques, including new chapters on visual effects and managing document scroll, and greatly expanded coverage of selectors.
This book is for intermediate-level CSS developers, as it assumes a fair amount of experience with HTML and CSS. No time is spent covering the basics of CSS syntax. Coverage of CSS concepts such as the box model and positioning are included to illuminate concepts for the experienced developer, but this coverage is not meant as an introduction for beginners. Experience with JavaScript is helpful, but not necessary.
Good coverage very useful.
An excellent resource for CSS and I would highly recommend it to other web developers!
One the best books I have ever read about CSS!
Well done, this is a good CSS3 book
It is laid out well, uncluttered, and it is easy to find relevant information. This definitely one of my best go-to books regarding CSS.
Some great cutting-edge stuff in here -- particularly new CSS scroll behaviors.
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