There are things coding books can’t tell you. Things that fall between code and design. Sites can use perfect code and perfect design, but still allow zombies to take over the world. These things are all about how someone uses a website. It’s how a user will expect your site to behave.
When the zombie horde shuffles toward your city they’ll smash against the walls and pour through any hole they find. And if you have cracks and crevices in your website, making it hard to use or frustrating your audience, the horde will shuffle through those holes and past your website unharmed.
This book covers that gap between code and design, the things zombies hope you won’t learn, usability. It’s how a user interacts with your site and whether they can find the information they came looking for or complete the task they set out to do. Most usability books focus on the front end, how a user interacts with your site, but there’s also usability on the back end where you update and maintain the site. Better maintenance and better usability both lead to less crying and fewer zombies so it’s a win and a delayed apocalypse for everyone!
You won't just passively take in the view, like a zombie shuffling across the mainland. You’ll have plenty of combat practice with analogies, examples, and code tutorials you can build, break and fix again. Working with your hands and your head you’ll craft code that pleases the eye and knocks a zombie into last Tuesday.
All the code and directions are provided as both CodePen tutorials and downloadable HTML files, so you can fight the apocalypse how and where you like. You can work with them on the CodePen site or on your own device.
And later you'll bring those skills together in a final project that cements those skills into zombie smashing muscle memory.
John is a storyteller with design and development skills. By day he designs and builds websites and mobile apps, by night he spins sci-fi stories at StoryLab ( and counts his words carefully at He's a pineapple in disguise and (as you know) tries to make learning web development fun by helping you kill zombies
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