A more concise and well-written book on hexo framework. But I am having one question about this framework. How to configure error pages like 404?
In this guide we'll present Hexo, an open-source static site generator suitable for building blogs and documentation websites. We'll cover installation, working with layouts, generating posts and providing content, customizing and installing third-party themes, and deploying to Heroku.
Static site generators allow you to store a website’s content in separate files with simple formatting (like Markdown) and define all markup, styling and scripts elsewhere. Then you run a special command and turn these files into plain HTML that’s served to the user.
There are lots of solutions to choose from, and in this guide I’d like to present Hexo, an open-source static site generator suitable for building blogs and documentation websites. The following topics will be covered:
After working through this guide, you’ll be familiar with Hexo and be able to create your own sites.
A more concise and well-written book on hexo framework. But I am having one question about this framework. How to configure error pages like 404?
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