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As the number and variety of prototyping tools continues to grow, it’s becoming harder and harder to figure out which tools meet what needs, and who they’re suitable for.
Stakeholder feedback and user testing is now taking a far greater role in UI design and this new generation of tools aims to connect these two previously separate stages of the design process. Clients want to be involved, and email isn’t cutting it anymore. Some apps like UXPin are also taking care of the wireframing stages, whereas others like InVision App are bridging the gap between designer and developer by offering design handoff tools.
Plus, there’s now a clear divide between desktop tools with cloud sharing and collaborative online tools.
Many of these tools appear to be converging on a feature set that defines the role of the modern user experience designer. TL;DR—here’s a swift comparison of prototyping tools.
Daniel Schwarz
Dave Kearney
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