
Did Rails Sink Twitter?

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Key Takeaways

  • Twitter’s performance issues stem from the fact that it was built using technologies and practices more suited to a content management system rather than a messaging system, which is what Twitter fundamentally is. This was due to the developers allowing the Ruby on Rails framework to guide the application’s structure.
  • Twitter’s scalability issues were not necessarily a result of using Ruby on Rails, but rather a lack of foresight in the design phase. Any framework would have led to similar issues if the unique aspects of the application’s operation were not carefully considered and designed for.
  • While Ruby on Rails was not able to handle Twitter’s high traffic levels, it remains a powerful and flexible framework for many types of web applications. Twitter’s experience does not imply that Ruby on Rails is unsuitable for large-scale applications.
Twitter is arguably the most heavily used Ruby on Rails application in the world. Almost since its inception, Twitter has fostered a wildly passionate cult following. Also from the beginning, Twitter has suffered from chronic outages under that load. In the past month, record downtime has prompted fresh outcry within its ever-growing user base. This, along with increased attention from mainstream media has forced Twitter to publicly acknowledge these issues, and to reveal a few details about the source of these problems. Though there has been much speculation about the source of Twitter’s performance issues, the closest we have had to a real peek under the hood has been this Twitter Developer Blog post:
Twitter is, fundamentally, a messaging system. Twitter was not architected as a messaging system, however. For expediency’s sake, Twitter was built with technologies and practices that are more appropriate to a content management system.
But wait, what exactly do they mean by “technologies and practices”? Could they mean Ruby on Rails?

Twitter and the Curse of the Framework

Ruby on Rails is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. To build an application in Rails, you start by defining a collection of objects that model the things your application will do, then you write controllers that juggle your model in response to user requests, and finally you write the views that present your application to its users. As separate as these three elements are, the performance of an app can depend largely on how they work together. If your model isn’t optimized for the way your controllers will use it, you could find yourself facing some surprising performance issues. This is the kind of problem that I expect Twitter is faced with. Let’s look at a simplified example of what Twitter’s problem might look like on the inside. Twitter is a site where users post short messages called Tweets, and follow the Tweets of other users. When the original developers behind the site first sat down to define their model, the simplest thing to do would have been to have a database table for all the Tweets, another table for all the users, and a third table to keep track of who is following whom. This approach closely resembles the model you might build for a content management system (CMS) like a blog: each post has an author, so you can easily get a list of all the posts (i.e. Twitter’s public timeline), or just the posts in a given category (e.g. my tweets). What this fails to take into account is the most common type of request that Twitter receives: show me the most recent tweets from just the users that I’m following. With a CMS-style model, this common request will generate a lot of work for the application, as it has to filter the timeline of Tweets for each individual user. Twitter as a CMS If the original developers of Twitter had realised just how many requests of this type it would be fielding, Twitter’s model would probably have been designed very differently. As mentioned in the blog post quoted above, Twitter really is a messaging system, and its model should reflect that. Here’s how the model of a messaging system might look: whenever a user posts a Tweet, the model looks up which users are following the author and places a copy of the Tweet into those users’ private timelines. Tweets are queued up for their recipients when they’re posted, shifting the processing burden away from the more common “show me my tweets!” request. Twitter as a messaging system
Now, let me be clear: both models could be built with Ruby on Rails. The CMS-style model is just the direction that the framework will lead you in if you don’t stop and think about the characteristics of your application. Any good framework will handle for you the things that most web applications have in common, so you can focus on the unique aspects of your app. The curse of the framework is that it can be very tempting to let the framework take the lead in handling those unique aspects too. The fact is, Twitter’s developers were in a hurry, and took every opportunity to let the framework do the thinking for them. Just about every general-purpose web framework out there would have led them down the same road. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” The message here is not that Rails is a bad framework—just that no framework can do the important thinking about how an app should work. That’s what developers are for. Like any framework, Rails has strengths and weaknesses. Those who love Rails believe that its strengths—the virtual elimination of the scutwork of building web apps using a fresh, expressive programming language—far outweigh weaknesses like scaling being a non-trivial undertaking. Truth is, if you’re building a service intended for mass adoption and you don’t design it to support that, no framework in the world is going to keep your app from collapsing in on itself. SitePoint’s new book, Simply Rails 2 is now available. Get it, and build your own Twitter killer. :-)

Frequently Asked Questions about Twitter’s Transition from Ruby on Rails

Why did Twitter initially choose Ruby on Rails as their framework?

Twitter initially chose Ruby on Rails due to its simplicity and speed of development. Ruby on Rails is a framework that allows developers to create web applications quickly and with less code. It follows the principle of convention over configuration, which means developers can spend less time on mundane, repetitive tasks and more time on the unique aspects of their application. This made it an attractive choice for Twitter in its early stages when rapid development and deployment were crucial.

What were the limitations of Ruby on Rails that led Twitter to switch?

As Twitter grew, it started to encounter scalability issues with Ruby on Rails. The framework, while excellent for rapid development, was not designed to handle the high levels of traffic that Twitter was experiencing. This led to frequent site crashes and slow response times. Additionally, Ruby on Rails’ single-threaded design made it difficult for Twitter to effectively utilize their server resources.

What technology did Twitter switch to from Ruby on Rails?

Twitter switched to a combination of Scala and Java from Ruby on Rails. Scala is a high-level language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows it to take advantage of the robustness and performance of the JVM. Java, on the other hand, is known for its scalability and reliability, making it a good fit for Twitter’s needs.

How did the transition from Ruby on Rails to Scala and Java benefit Twitter?

The transition to Scala and Java allowed Twitter to handle a much larger volume of traffic without crashing. It also improved the site’s response times and allowed Twitter to make better use of their server resources. Additionally, the transition to these languages allowed Twitter to take advantage of the large ecosystem of libraries and tools available for the JVM.

Does this mean Ruby on Rails is not a good choice for large-scale applications?

Not necessarily. While Ruby on Rails may have limitations when it comes to handling extremely high levels of traffic, it is still a powerful and flexible framework that is well-suited to many types of web applications. The issues that Twitter experienced were specific to their unique situation and may not apply to other applications.

What are some alternatives to Ruby on Rails for web development?

There are many alternatives to Ruby on Rails for web development, including Django (Python), Express.js (Node.js), Laravel (PHP), and ASP.NET (C#). Each of these frameworks has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on the specific needs of the project.

Is Ruby on Rails still relevant today?

Yes, Ruby on Rails is still widely used and actively maintained today. It remains a popular choice for many developers due to its simplicity, productivity, and the large community of developers that support it.

What are some notable companies that still use Ruby on Rails?

Many notable companies still use Ruby on Rails, including GitHub, Shopify, Airbnb, and Hulu. These companies continue to use Ruby on Rails due to its flexibility, productivity, and the strong community support it receives.

What are some resources for learning Ruby on Rails?

There are many resources available for learning Ruby on Rails, including online tutorials, books, and coding bootcamps. Some popular online platforms for learning Ruby on Rails include Codecademy, Udemy, and Coursera.

What are some best practices for scaling Ruby on Rails applications?

Some best practices for scaling Ruby on Rails applications include optimizing database queries, caching, using background jobs for long-running tasks, and horizontally scaling by adding more servers. It’s also important to regularly monitor and profile your application to identify and address performance bottlenecks.

Kevin YankKevin Yank
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Kevin Yank is an accomplished web developer, speaker, trainer and author of Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL and Co-Author of Simply JavaScript and Everything You Know About CSS is Wrong! Kevin loves to share his wealth of knowledge and it didn't stop at books, he's also the course instructor to 3 online courses in web development. Currently Kevin is the Director of Front End Engineering at Culture Amp.

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