1. Create a text field, name it "txt", and then convert it to a movieclip.
2. Give the movie clip an instance name of "a1".
3. Create a new movieclip and give it an instance name of "a0".
4. Create layers as shown below.
5. In the actions layer in the first key frame, insert the following action:
x = new Array();
y = new Array();
text = "Flashcircle.com";
// mx x value of movieclip
mx = getProperty("/a1", _x);
txtlength = length(text);
/a1:txt = "F";
//loop through to create duplicate movieclip
for (i=2; i<=txtlength; i++)
duplicateMovieClip ("/a1", "a" add i, i);
setProperty ("/a" add Number(i), _x, mx);
// substring to put individual letter into movieclip
set ("/a" add Number(i) add ":txt", substring(text, i, 1));
6. In the actions layer in the third key frame, insert these actions:
//code to make the text follow
for(i=1; i<=txtlength; i++)
x[i] = getProperty("/a" add Number(i-1),_x);
y[i] = getProperty("/a" add Number(i-1),_y);
x[i] = x[i]+10;
7. In the actions layer in the fourth key frame, insert the following:
//code to make the text follow
for (i=1; i<=txtlength; i++)
setProperty ("/a" add i, _x, x[i]);
setProperty ("/a" add i, _y, y[i]);
gotoAndPlay (2);
8. Right click the "a0" instance movie clip, and insert these actions:
onClipEvent (load)
startDrag ("", true);
9. Easy, wasn’t it? Press ctrl+enter to test you movie.
Georgina has more than fifteen years' experience writing and editing for web, print and voice. With a background in marketing and a passion for words, the time Georgina spent with companies like Sausage Software and sitepoint.com cemented her lasting interest in the media, persuasion, and communications culture.