Wordpress for a custom site?

Hi Team,

Sorry if this question sounds dumb but please guide me in this. I am not a developer but trying to be one. My cousin wanted a simple website where he wanted to showcase his products. Products are categorized in 5 categories. Every category has around 200+ pics. User when clicks on any category, pics are displayed with lazy loading style, (load more button).

I was searching through the net and i know about bootstrap / foundation. But i have never worked with wordpress. My question is, since i have a custom requirement, shall i go for building a site from scratch using bootstrap (for responsiveness) and php/mysql and custom jquery scripts, or shall i use wordpress ?

Thing is, i still not understand why and when to use wordpress ? for blogs i understand but my focus is only websites not blogs. If customer has custom requirement, does wordpress still is a choice ?

Team, my request is, please someone try to explain me, i have searched a lot on google, but couldnt find my answer.

Anybody ?

They aren’t mutually exclusive. They can work together, as they have different roles/purposes. Bootstrap/Foundation etc. are front-end frameworks, and WP is a backend CMS.

Of course. It can be bent to most purposes. The question i would ask is whether the customer needs access to make changes / add content etc. himself. If not, I wouldn’t bother with a CMS, as I consider them more trouble than they are worth—though the majority of web designers don’t agree with me. :slight_smile:

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Thanks alot Ralph,

WordPress has evolved to be so much more than a simple blogging system.

I would use WordPress, with WooCommerce and a repsonsive grid system. You can use Bootstrap, Foundation, or even one of the many Sass grid frameworks out there.

If you’re only using a small number of Boostrap’s features I recommend using a custom build or going with a more lightweight responsive grid.

99% of WordPress starter themes you use to build on top of today will be responsive so you might be able to utilize that themes existing grid for responsive functionality. I recommend using the Genesis Framework. Genesis themes usually come with a built in responsive grid based on an older version of Bootstrap.

Bootstrap and WordPress do two fundamentally different things. One is a CSS/JavaScript Framework and the other is a Content Management System.

WordPress makes no decisions about style or behavior on the front end of your site. That’s all that Bootstrap does.

They play together nicely and are seen together in many themes.

I would not try to roll-my-own when it comes to an eCommerce site when there are so many tried, tested, and well supported solutions out there like WooCommerce.

I would disagree. Wordpress at its core hasn’t evolved very much. Underlaying is the same sloppy mess from a decade ago. It really is astonishing though how such a old, antiquated system is still the apple of so many peoples eyes. So much so that they literally go out of their way to use it for any and all tasks regardless of whether or not there are more viable platforms out there.

Under the hood yes it’s much the same, but it’s the ability to extend the platform with plugin functionality that makes it truly shine.

It’s definitely not appropriate for every task, but I’d be hard pressed to find another CMS that allows me to do as much with as little effort.

I have to ask what are the other CMS platforms which you have used? #makedifferent

Guys i dont understand one thing

When i am developing a ecommerce website based on wordpress. How can i control what entries get stored in database, in which format.

Any example on that ? please guide me

I don’t understand the question.

WordPress comes along with its own tables (I’ll refrain from voicing my personal opinion)
But it is possible to create other tables. Usually this is handled by the plugin (which may not delete the table when the plugin is uninstalled, but again, I digress)
Anyway, if you are using an ecommerce type of WordPress plugin, you should not need to worry much about it, it might not be the best coded plugin, but it should be adequate.
If you are thinking of writing your own WordPress ecommerce plugin, you may be biting off more than you can chew.
WordPress has been in the “add new features but don’t refactor” mode for quite a while and it is by no means newbie friendly despite having an excellent Codex.

IMHO if you are set on using WordPress and you either aren’t very good at programming or don’t have a lot of time on your hands is to use a plugin that is already written.

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