Why is so much difference in avg page load time in browsers


my site runs with php mysql apache

i got this data screenshot from my google analytics account

a slight difference in normal but why is so much difference between different browsers ??


Some browser are faster than others, they just are.
But I don’t think this will have anything to do with what’s happening server-side.
I’m not saying that server-side does not affect speed, but that should be constant through different browsers. The variations will be what’s happening client-side.

with client side you mean to say with loading javascript ??

or client internet connection ??


It may not be due to something yo are doing, but how the browsers work.
Though some problems in a site can slow some browsers more than others.
For example in this topic, a 404 on a linked css caused a massive slowdown in Firefox only.

If you don’t have any such problems on a site, that it’s probably not something you are doing, but is down to the browser developers. If your scripts or pages are inherently slow, they will be slow in all browsers.

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