Where is edit signature?

The reason we’re here is not to give you backlinks, we’re here as a community to discuss web design. We reward members who join in for more than 3 months with the opportunity to include a signature, but it is useless for SEO. All signature links are marked as rel="nofollow", so they will give you zero googlejuice. If the only reason you’re still here is to get backlinks from your signature then you’re wasting your time.

Then you should have taken the time to read the faq and guidelines the day you joined in… you would have saved quite a bit of time yourself because it says clearly that signatures are no-follow :wink:

I’ve been a member since Sep 18, 2002 and cannot edit my signature.

You do have a signature though?

When you click on MySitePoint and then see the left column, you should have a box that says “My Settings” and there’s a [URL=“http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/profile.php?do=editsignature”]Edit Signature link… Is it not displaying for you?

You don’t see it above in my post?

Yes, I do, which is why I asked.

But there should be a method to modiy the sig from my FORUM profile. Thanks fr the link to the SITEPOINT profile edit.

Ugg:( why wait 90 days:( I’m really impatient. I wish it could just be make 90 posts or something like that. It would be a lot easier:)… I guess I’ll have to wait thanks everyone for telling me this!

Sure if they made it 90 post…we then have this problem called fluff posting. People posting that don’t add anything. Besides, a signature is not important. If you care about it you are at the wrong forum.

A signature is not the only thing I care about… anyway, thanks for it and I see what you mean about the fluff posting. It seems to happen a lot on other forums in introduction threads, where people post in every single introduction thread to build post count… I still thing the signature option is neat, but it would also be easier to make it something like 30 days + 50 posts.

Haha, only 64 days left… owell, I might as well make hq posts in that time-:slight_smile:

I would just like to add my 2 cents worth here. I am looking for back links but not ones that pass jucie. What I am looking for is the thank you for advice given that is good and to the point. Giving a helpful hand is the point. You would be surprised how much a post with a thank you is worth when the right person sees it. Imho, way more than a pr8 backlink, because the backlink doesn’t swing the client to sign with you, the post with the thank you does !

I generally add “Here to help, nothing more… and Good SEO isn’t cheap and cheap Seo isn’t good”, but I have been informed that is was being used as a fake sig. I quit adding it for the moment. But in 90 days I will start using it as a sig…

Yes, we resolved that by creating an introduction thread instead of a forum. So that’s 1 post max, and it doesn’t even count :smiley:

That’s the spirit! Enjoy your stay.

Thanks guys to share all your opinion. All forums has a FAQ’s which is easy way to anyone who really not known about rules and regulation for particular forum websites. If you follow the FAQ’s then it would be great to get signature very fast but still this forums needs 90 days to get signature option.-Thanks


im new in the this great website , i wanna share & get new ideas

my question is how i can log to edit my signature :slight_smile: