Hi Matt,
Thanks so much for your input. A couple of follow up thoughts below yours either for you or anyone else that might care to comment further…
Hmm…well a whole heck of a lot of online technique’s I have looked at don’t seem to offer any real hope of making money. Rather they sell or promote the hope of it rather than the reality. Just yesterday I reviewed a whole slew of stuff from a member forum I belong to. Was any of it really actionable? Such that I could realistically see my way to making a living online through any of it. Nope!
I must have looked at something like 20 PDF’s from this site. Most of it was regurgitated, general stuff about finding a niche, doing keyword research, etc., etc., etc…
I mean some good stuff in there to be sure (though a lot of it is outdated in my opinion and not really the key to the real success of…well…real successes who won’t give away what REALLY works for them in the here and now).
In a word mostly junk (in my opinion). Big on hope and very little on how to do it.
This one is pretty cool. Given that you already have it created, why not give it away to a handful of “big dogs” that can spread around how cool it is and sell it to everyone else?
Well, the problem with that Matt is that the script in question is really not that big of a deal. I suppose it is to some that don’t know the first thing about how to do it type of thing. But most people who could use this script to make their life easier (in that the script does automatically what they are doing manually at present) are web developer sorts.
These web developer sorts could copy the script in a heart beat. Rewrite it a bit and then presto! Sell it themselves.
As such I don’t think I can put a high enough mark up on it to make it into a viable affiliate type product. One web developer told me he himself would pay about $35 for such a script if it was done nicely (which it would be once I put some nicety into it…being that it is developed just for my use it is not yet super user friendly but can be easily made such by me).
If that is a realistic price point…well…I suppose an affiliate program could be made from that now that I think about it. But the market for it is pretty small I think. I mean how many web developers develop sites locally on their own computers running their own local copies of MySQL and Apache? Don’t know. I would think that market is not very big.
But I suppose I could package it up and then try and give it to some big wigs to promote for me.
Another problem is that…well…I don’t know any big wigs LOL.
Ryan Deiss calls this the “inbox magazine” and I do this one this myself. The problem however is this; do you know how to build a list?
Technically? Absolutely.
Realistically…hmm…not very experienced at having ever done so LOL.
I mean actually do it quickly? Or are you thinking of simply slogging it out by going the multi-year route of very slowly building up a following? For the record, unless you do things to actively build your list it will take many years. So, how will you build this list? If you know how to do this, you can certainly make a very good living without working hard at all (little more than an hour a day 4 days a week).
Well…initially of course I would sign up for Aweber probably and use it to facilitate building a list. As to how to actually build it I was thinking that it would build itself if I could drive traffic to my site (I am fairly confident that I could offer enough value to one’s coming to visit my site such that a good percentage would sign up…with perhaps a nice giveaway to help motivate them of course).
So driving traffic would be key.
As to how to drive traffic? Well…that one I am somewhat weak in. Probably forum signature postings, guest blog posts, that type of stuff.
It would be slow going of course.
I like the part of making a good living without doing much tail end work. Yes sir. I like that.
How many people actually make anything decent doing this? Do you have any ideas for any killer plugins that people might pay for?
Not many to be sure but I know of some who have made a very good penny doing this very thing. I have no killer plugin ideas but aside from perhaps pacakaging up my script above into a plugin for WordPress and Concrete5 (then TextPattern and any other CMS like program that uses MySQL) there are also other things I could try.
For example there is no faster way to first page load than a static page being served up. CMS’s simply don’t have that capability (I don’t think…WordPress might though).
I know of a way to completely bypass CMS systems using a combination of htaccess mod_rewrite directives and a directory containing static copies of non-changing web pages at a site. I’ve pretty much perfected this technique though it does need some refinement again.
No more slowdown from using CMS systems that are MySQL intensive on a first page load. I mean the CMS would still be used mind you. To made edits to pages. But once created with the CMS the pages would be converted to a static form and then served up that way, until and if a further edit was required.
From there one could create a CMS conversion script to take the MySQL from one CMS like WordPress for example (though that’s not really a CMS per se) and convert it to another one like Concrete5.
Then there is also the need to facilitate changes to WordPress that deal correctly with it’s serialized data storage. People wrongly think they can just go into the database and change things manually. That may work lots of times but if changing a serialized data element it can really screw up one’s database.
Ideas like that might work I think.
This would be a VERY tough sell. Most businesses that have sites already have hosting and probably some contracted designer that takes care of this for them.
Good point Matt. That’s not very workable I guess.
Personally, I’d go with either 1 or 2. With number 1 it’s something you already have and if you know any big players in this space you can kick this off quickly with their help (JV?).
However, it won’t take long for the bulk of people who will want this to have gotten it, and then what?
The then what of it is really no more complicated than my being able to get enough income from it to allow me the free time and the seed money to invest in other ventures at worst and at best it will allow me to build a list to which I can promote other things (though what those might be I am not entirely sure at this point :)).
With number 2, your “start up time” is longer but from a pure business model perspective has the ability to keep you going long term. For those reasons, I’d do both!
Makes sense Matt. I believe I will do that.