I caught myself today being mentally exhausted. No, seriously. Lately, I was heavily working on charity (non-profit) projects and on commercial projects. And learning every single moment. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap. And I’m a girl. Normally, I need to follow Kim K on Instagram and shop online. I cant. Instead I follow CSS courses online or read marketing or business books. :scratch: And I realised that I need mandatory fill my head with some other brain activity, like reading but for pleasure.
I melted myself this evening into series of science-fic masterpieces: Roadside Picnic by Strugatsky (which I read in original) and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip Dick
What do you read guys? What are you absolute favorite books?
I read a bit of everything when I have the time (which is not much, I used to be an avid reader, not anymore :() so I can jump from some geek stuff (like "A brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking or Classical Mechanics: The theorical minimum by Susskind) to the stupidest/simplest you can think of.
As yourself though, I feel sometimes too tired to read serious books then I tend to read thrillers and mystery books, epic fanstasy. Those get my mind out of work and relax my brain. I love writters like Ken Follet (not in fav list but he’s got some good books), Michael Crichton, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, JJ Tokien (of course), Robin Cook… I could go on forever.
Although when I’m trully knackered and exhausted, I’d rather have a romantic novel. I can read them without concentrating at all (mysteries and thrillers may have you guessing and epic fanstasy… well, you really have to remember each character and keep their tracks throught the book!). You know how it starts, you know that there’s a happy ending and really, most of the time you know what goes in the middle.
I have a little problem with reading and that’s one of the reasons that I don’t read more often… I need to read the whole book in one go. I can’t read a few pages and keep the rest for tomorrow. I really need to read the whole thing.
And that’s one of the reasons why I have a huge list of books that I wouldn’t mind reading… and that I will probably never read. It is a shame and I did try to get out this bad habit so I could get more books out of my outstanding list but I simply can’t. I do need to know what goes next. Sagas make me suffer so much if I don’t have the complete series of books!
Edit: I do love sci-fi. And of course I introduced myself into the genre with the classics, starting with Isaac Asimov
I read far too much, it’s almost socially debilitating. Apart from piles of tech books, I recently finished books on Philosophy Of Mind (Thomas Nagel’s “Mind & Cosmos” and currently reading John Searle’s “The Mystery of Consciousness”), History (The Diary of Edward VI), Phenomenology (“Merleau-Ponty: A Guide For the Perplexed”), Environmentalism and Overpopulation (“Countdown” by Alan Weisman), Childrens Books (“¡No Dejes Que la Paloma Conduzca el Autobus!” and “I Want My Hat Back”), Cultural Theory (Jonathan Crary’s “24/7”), Various Comic compilations by Quino and B. Kliban and I’m just finishing Woody Guthrie’s autobiography “Bound For Glory.” I would like to add an extra head or two onto my torso so I can read 2-3 books at a time, but the doctor tells me that insurance won’t cover that. Oh well… back to reading…
Right now I’m reading Jennifer Robbins - Learning Web Design, but that is designing before that I read Bruce Lee - Tao of Jeet Kune Do. With work and trying to teach myself design I don’t have much time to read anymore
Generally when I am working, I am already surrounded by too many geeky stuff. So opt out for some fictional books. The ones that take me from the world we live in toa fantasy new world of great imagination. The likes of " A Song of Ice and Fire", “Narnia”, “Harry Potter” etc. They really make me relax and help me concentrate on my work when I am onto it
I pretty much stick to Paranormal, SciFi, and Fantasy in that order and I try to rotate as much as I can. If I read a SciFi I try to pick up a Paranormal or Fantasy next and so on.
Right now, I’m reading “This Book is Full of Spiders” by David Wong. It’s a Paranormal/SciFi. It’s the second book in the series “John Dies at the End”.
Fav Paranormal Series: The Iron Druid by Kevin Hern.
Fav SciFi Series (right now): Old Man’s War by John Scalzi
Fav Fantasy Series: The King Killer Chronicals by Patrick Rothfuss
[FONT=Georgia]I’m addicted to magazines. Especially old ones.
I’m one of those who flips through books looking at the pictures! I have heaps of old National Geographic, a few old Vogue, tattoo magazines, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, Psychology Today. It’s the strangest bookshelf you’ll ever see.
Lately I’ve been reading up ‘Emotions Revealed’ by Paul Ekman. Very interesting stuff![/FONT]
Currently reading Joe Abercrombie, The Heroes.
It’s a fantasy book, set in a world somewhat like Lord of the Rings and it’s the best book I’ve read since I don’t know when.
The best part about the book is that everyone is evil and self-serving. There is no good vs evil analogy running throughout the book, just varying degrees of evil.
I’m a huge fan of the Resident Evil franchise. If I have free time I like to read the Resident Evil books. The Second one is the best in my opinion. STARS!