We target all countries, should we use hreflang tag?

I’m facing an issue and want an expert opinion on whether we should hreflang tag on our website as we are targeting most countries, especially the US. Please have a look at our website and share your expert opinion, on whether we should implement it

Do you have urls according to the target country?
like if you are targeting Australia, and new Zealand, then in the url /au and /nz is coming or not.

You site has a language, so use the tag.

Removing the language tag won’t make your site multilingual, it just means that bots will have to work out what language it is by themselves, which isn’t helpful to you or them.
The site uses English language, which works for your primary target which is the US as well as many other countries that speak English. Plus English is a common second language for people in non-English speaking nations. So not a bad choice for your single language site.

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