Want to Sell My Facebook Group

Hello dears,

I have a facebook group about working online. I want to leave it for some money , can you help me where and how I can sell it?

Welcome to the forums, @gigaaalex.

You will need to get permission from Facebook first:

You will not transfer your account (including any Page or application you administer) to anyone without first getting our written permission.


(It is, after all, their site, so not yours to sell.)

I have exerted some effort and spent much time for having such group. Now I am bus with something else and have no time to manage it. So I need a compensation, i think this is fair.

You still need to ensure that you keep within Facebook’s rules.

Thank you. :sob:

And, in the future, you should check the rules and how things work before putting so much effort into it. Specially if your goal is to monetize it later :wink:

Let’s hope that FB will let you transfer your group. I hope that it is a Fan Page though. Groups are limited

Isn’t it considered squatting when you reserve a group, username, etc just to sell it? Because if it is, Twitter also says this is bannable.

Twitter policy

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