Visited link color in Outlook 2007?


I’m having one of those mornings, and hopefully someone can help!

I have created an HTML email, and using embedded CSS have set the link color and visited link color for some links. However, the visited link color does not seem to be obeyed by Outlook 2007 and it’s driving me mad!

I have this in the embedded CSS:

.white a:link {
	color: white;
.white a:visited {
	color: white;

Then just set a class on the link like so:

<a href="" class="white">Foo</a>

I’ve had no luck searching online for a solution, so hopefully someone here may know. :slight_smile:



I don’t know if outlook 2007 supports the visited link pseudo class:

The css above is not correct for that snippet anyway and should be like this.

[B]a.white:link[/B] {
	color: white;
[B]a.white:visited[/B] {
	color: white;

Yeah I checked that page, but they didn’t menton the visited link attribute at all so was none the wiser. Argh Outlook can be so frustrating!

Thanks for the clarification on the CSS. I’m rusty, and my new job is bringing web design back into my role so need to… un rust.