I understand that you cannot vertically align table cells that have inline content (like spans). But how would one vertical align the content that is dynamically generated?
I don’t understand the question, can you explain further?
Since when?
td {
vertical-align: middle;
What do you mean by that? Content is the same however it is generated.
Not necessarily. All of the <td>
elements have vertical-align: middle set to them. But since the content inside some of the <td>
elements are <span>
elements, they will not center vertically. Therefore, how can I get the content with the <span>
content inside them to vertically align?
Do you have a link to a live page which demonstrates the issue? It sounds as if there must be something else going on here.
To the spans, assign {display:inline-block} or {display:block} and treat them according to whichever works best. Why are they spans anyway?
Use this product and Add to Wishlist. Then click on the top right ‘Wish List’ link in the header. You will see the page where the alignment issue is.
This is set by the plugin’s default. I suppose I could spend the extra time to finagle with the code, but I figured I would learn something new.
Same here (Firefox 54.0).
Thank you for the second set of eyes!
Must be my browser cache. I was driving myself crazy trying to figure this out. Both my Chrome and FF (Win7) were still caching the old data.
Well this seems to have happened again. I even cleared my browser cache and looked at this page in Private/Incognito mode only to see those cells not align vertically. Is anyone else seeing them not vertically centered?
Post a URL please.
Everything looks centered to me except remove item button.
Thank you, everyone, for your eyes. It just seems to be a quirky thing that the vertical centering seems to be visibly working at times whether I’m in Incognito or Private or just using regular browser in FF/Chrome. After a serious reboot, things look normal.
I’ll look into the browser’s forums to see if this is a commonality among them and if there’s a solution.
Thank you!
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