Hey folks. I was wondering if anyone is thinking of upgrading to Adobe CS6 or will you be waiting or skipping the release. Some of our team members are on CS4 and some on CS5, what would you suggest we do regarding CS6. Will appreciate your advice and any experiences positive or negative you may have had with CS6
There are some pretty cool features in CS5 that I’ve gotten attached to, and some even better ones in 6. So if you can afford to upgrade, it’s usually worth it. (I’m not sure if I can afford to upgrade at this stage but will if/when I can. )
Adobe always offers a demo on their website for their software. Download it and give it a whirl to see if the price tag is worth it to you.
Inevitably you will be forced to upgrade knowing Adobe’s ‘backwards compatibility’ limitations on some of their products. If you receive files on a regular basis then you can always subscribe to the on demand service for CS6 and provide that backwards compatibility relatively cheaply. Depends really on the type of business set up you have and how many licenses etc that you are requiring to run. My stance on the updates is that they are always worth exploring and nice to have. Bound to be forced to get sometime but unless there is a core feature I can see providing immediate benefit on a day-to-day workflow, lots is just bloat. I could easily get by on CS3/4 for the majority of the work that I do on a day by day basis. Not much of that work has changed in nature for many years and the newest features do little to address those. It’s always nice to keep up and use new features and there really are some incredible functions in Photoshop in particular.
Keep in mind at how ridiculously expensive Adobe products are. Then factor in if the upgrade is worth it or not.
Indeed. And they are vastly more expensive outside the US, as well.