Trying to retrieve formdata object value

I am testing the following code and sending formData object via ajax. I copied this solution from this post.

Although I can see the formData object in the URL (as shown in the image below), I am not able to retrieve file values and see the post data in PHP. When I mentioned the following in my PHP :

    var_dump($_POST['TextArea1']); // This prints NULL 
	var_dump($_FILES); // This prints array(0) { }

Another strange thing I noticed in the Network table of Internet Explorer 11 is that the HTTP Method is GET instead of POST as shown in the screenshot below:

<script src=""></script>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" id="myForm1">
		<p><textarea id="TextArea1" rows="2" cols="20" name="TextArea1"></textarea></p>
		<p><input id="File1" type="file" multiple="multiple" /></p>
		<!--<input id="btnUpload" type="button" value="Submit" />-->
		<button  type = "button" onclick="submitFileTest()">Submit   </button>

function submitFileTest() {

    //getting form into Jquery Wrapper Instance to enable JQuery Functions on form                    
    var form = $("#myForm1");

    //Serializing all For Input Values (not files!) in an Array Collection so that we can iterate this collection later.
    var params = form.serializeArray();

    console.log("CONSOLE LOG PARAMS TESTS");

    //Getting Files Collection
    var files = $("#File1")[0].files;

    console.log("CONSOLE LOG FILESTESTS");

    //Declaring new Form Data Instance  
    var formData = new FormData();

    //Looping through uploaded files collection in case there is a Multi File Upload. This also works for single i.e simply remove MULTIPLE attribute from file control in HTML.  
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        formData.append(files[i].name, files[i]);
        console.log("File Name Check");
        console.log(files[i].name);// I can see the name of file here

    //Now Looping the parameters for all form input fields and assigning them as Name Value pairs. 
    $(params).each(function(index, element) {
        formData.append(, element.value);

    console.log("FormData Test");

        url: "php/myfolder/myfileDownload.php",
        method: "post",
        data: formData,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false,
        success: function(msg) {

        error: function(error) {



In the ajax method what data are you sending to php script? How the php script is triggered via isset() method.

I am sending formData object in the ajax method to the php script. I have the other form input fields serialized in the params parameter using var params = form.serializeArray() but I don’t think I am sending it above (although I would like to). Do you think something is wrong in my code above? Thanks

Logically you might have inside formadata object a key-value pair like

{ 'TextArea1':'Some_value'  }

This key-value pair is going to be set inside php script like

//code here

Could you post the


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