I’m trying to format a page that is pulled from tumblr.com and embeded into a HTML page using a js file (provided by tumblr)
What I’m trying to do is get the content (images & text) central on the page but as the text is in a div that has this class associated to it from the js file “.tumblr_caption”
here’s the code so far (this is a redered page so removed the js file link)
<html><head><title>My Blog</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #99FF66;
text-align: center;
.tumblr_posts {
list-style-type: none;
img {
border: 5px double #000066;
.tumblr_caption {
width: 400px;
text-align: center;
<ol class="tumblr_posts">
<li class="tumblr_post tumblr_photo_post">
<img src="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1aou2N1H11qbt99to1_400.jpg" alt="A shot my friend took while in Japan, did a lil HDR\\Photoshop work on it to give me the final image" class="tumblr_photo">
<div class="tumblr_caption">
<p>A shot my friend took while in Japan, did a lil HDR\\Photoshop work on it to give me the final image</p>
<li class="tumblr_post tumblr_photo_post"><div class="tumblr_caption"></div>
<li class="tumblr_post tumblr_photo_post">
<img src="http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l16x8rbCOG1qbt99to1_400.jpg" alt="Lady Herbert's Garden Coventry" class="tumblr_photo">
<div class="tumblr_caption">
<p>Lady Herbert’s Garden Coventry</p>
Can someone show me how I get text div to be 400px wide so it fits under each of the photos that will also be 400px
hope so…