In CSS I have DiffSector set to display none, so initially it displays as a two-row table.
The last row then displays as table-row when the Yes radio button is chosen. The problem is, the width of the the last row is only 70% when it displays, same width as the cells above with text, not 100% as it should. Can’t figure why this is happening. The cells in the last row should inherit the widths of the cells in the first row.
That will only work if the table has a width. If the table has no width then it defaults to the auto algorithm and widths on table cells are not guaranteed.
I assumed wrongly that I had set the CSS to table-row, I had set it to block by mistake. Thanks, don’t know how long it would have taken for me to notice that.
Fieldset can contain as many form field as you like.
By two columns, perhaps you mean label and input pairs. Well that’s the nature of inputs, you have a label, then an input that relates to the label.
What’s you use case for 3 or more columns? As that doesn’t relate to the original question.