This Week in JavaScript - 14 September 2015

Hello and welcome to This Week in JavaScript—a lovingly curated collection of links relating to what’s new and exciting in the world of JS. The complete list is tagged jsweekly. (Don’t forget to check out our weekly .NET and front end roundups too!)

And now on with the show …

#learning More

##Take it further



  • IsClass - To determine if a variable is actually a class (prototype).
  • Chocolat - A free jQuery lightbox plugin. It’s light, responsive, and powerful.
  • Nipple - A virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces.
  • Fieldkit - A simple library for complex input formatting.
  • Playing with Pixi.Js Filters - A playground where you can play around with most of the pixi.js filters.
  • ShaderFrog - Create beautiful complex shaders by composing multiple ones together.
  • An Introduction to GameplayKit: Part 3 - Use GameplayKit’s random value generators to optimize initial enemy spawning, and a basic rule system for the respawning behavior of enemies.
  • LayerVisualizer - A simple web-based 3D layer visualizer, useful for visualizing material UIs and other things involving depth/shadows.



##Cool Stuff

For more links like this and to keep up-to-date with the latest goings on in JS land, you can follow SitePoint’s JavaScript channel on Twitter.

Please PM us if you have anything of interest for the next issue or if there is anything you would like to see featured. Paul and Pullo.

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