Hello and welcome to This Week in JavaScript, our lovingly curated collection of links relating to what’s new and exciting in the world of JS. The complete list is tagged jsweekly. (Don’t forget to check out our weekly .NET and front end roundups too!)
And now for this week’s JavaScript finds …
Getting started
- Introduction to Developing jQuery Plugins - A look at how to build your own jQuery plugin, and all the areas you need to know to get you building plugins in no time.
- Passing arguments to a JavaScript callback function - The mechanics of a callback rely on the fact that everything in JavaScript is a first class object, which allows you to pass functions as arguments to another function.
Learning more
- The twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software - A methodology for building software-as-a-service apps.
- How to Build a Neuron: Exploring AI in JavaScript Pt 2 - Simulating the way that continuous values flow through the neural network over time.
- Finding Time to Become a Better Developer - Understanding the following 5 truths about time management for a developer is what saved me.
- Monkberry - A blazingly fast, small 1kb and simple JavaScript library for building web user interfaces.
- Integration and Comparison for ES6 - Some logical ways to start using this new syntactical sugar in your own work starting immediately.
- Power up the array creation in JavaScript - JavaScript offers more interesting and straightforward ways to create arrays.
- JavaScript Design Patterns: The Singleton - Examining how the best way to implement a singleton in JavaScript has evolved with the rise of ES6.
- When ‘not’ to use arrow functions - Scenarios where you should bypass the arrow function in favor of good old functions expressions or newer shorthand method syntax.
- An Introduction To Redux - Redux maintains the state of an entire application in a single immutable state tree (object), which can’t be changed directly. When something changes, a new object is created (using actions and reducers).
- Mortgage calculator in MobX - Mortgage overpayment calculator using React with MobX
- Using JSX and React - JSX within your React code lets you easily create components for your apps. JSX transforms into JavaScript when React compiles the code.
- Redux Authentication: Secure Your Application with Auth0 - Data handling can become unwieldy and hard to manage. With Redux, we can have a clear view of the state of our application at all times and know exactly what our data is doing.
- Adding type safety, gradually. Part I - How you can add type safety, both statically and at runtime, to your untyped codebase gradually and with a gentle migration path.
- 30 times smaller Angular 2 apps in production - Dropping the size of the “Hello world!” app to less than 50K!
- Angular 2 Tutorial: Create a CRUD App with Angular CLI - Rather than a successor of AngularJS 1.x, Angular 2 can be considered an entirely new framework built on learnings from AngularJS 1.x.
- Angular 2 - Best Practises to Level Up - 12 best practices and tips to help you write better and cleaner code.
- Rapid Cross-Platform Development with the Angular 2 CLI - A way to simplify the process of building Angular 2 applications.
For more links like this and to keep up-to-date with the latest goings on in JS land, you can follow SitePoint’s JavaScript channel on Twitter.
Please PM us if you have anything of interest for the next issue or if there is anything you would like to see featured. Paul and chrisofarabia.