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We are using on begin from here website, a wordpress plugin to let the visitor contact us (the is the link). As we use gmail account for the website ( we get the following problem:

How is that possible to resolve this problem? thank you for your help

AFAIK the best way is to have the email domain the same as the domain of the sender.

eg. if the domain is an email address like would not have that problem.

Thank you @Mittineague for your quick help. Ok I will do that, but here I want to ask another question, is that possible to use SparkPost to send and receive email instead of the VPS ?

I don’t know how the email provider services do it.

I’m guessing they use certain headers that let them through while still showing the “from” to be the site using the service.

I don’t send a lot of emails. Most are error reports etc. sent to my hotmail account that I get because I whitelisted my domain.

But I think if I were sending a lot of emails or using them for marketing purposes I’d find and use an email service.

They know how to avoid having the emails trigger SPAM filters, provide helpful statistics and using them won’t get your host mad about resource use if you send a lot of them.

Thank you very much @Mittineague for your help, I will be back with more news about the solution.

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