Terms of Service & Table of contents

So I would like to ask you guys this. We’ve all seen in our internet career, the single page Term of Service (TOS, Term of Use, Term of Conduct, .etc), but what do you guys think about combining a Term of Service with a table of contents? I’ll explain what it is. It’s basically a single page table of contents like you would see in a book. But instead, you link those chapters or articles to the actual term itself (another page).

So instead of having something like this http://www.sitepoint.com/legals/ where you list all your terms from what you want to what your users have to agree on, you would have

Where you would list each section or article as a title. Then link those titles to the actual article. So let’s say your first article or section is something like

Using this website… Article 1

Then if you click on Article 1, it’ll take you to another page listing everything that has to do with “Using this website”. So instead of having a bunch of random stuff that has nothing to do with the topic, you would create each individual page or content for that particular article or section.

What do you guys think about this? Is this a bad idea? This is going outside of the typical norm that you would find in a generic Terms of Service page.

If it makes it easier for me to find the information I need, then I’d be very much in favour.

I’m constantly amazed by how poor some sites’ ToS are. Often, I’m looking for two things: whether or not the business will deliver to my remote location, and delivery costs. Some sites have a clear and easy link to that information specifically () while others make you go all round the houses to dig it up () and a few don’t display it at all ().

Yes, it’s basically internal links leading to the term you want to find. Instead of having a massive page of terms, you basically split those terms to different pages so that each term will be on its own and can be extended to further help someone understand that specific term. Then the front page of all of that will just be a table of content listing each term and their section.

Indeed. I feel like a lot of the terms are just copy&paste from other sites. Not really explaining much on some matters where they should explain further so you won’t break them.


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