I am evaluating whether or not to use cs-cart ecommerce software and it uses something foreign to me: smarty templating!
I wanted to reverse the order of the breadcrumb path used as the page title text:
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item=i name="bkt"}
{if $smarty.foreach.bkt.index==1} {/if} - {if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first}{$i.title|escape}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last} - {/if}{/if}
{/foreach} {$lang.page_title_text}</title>{/strip}
How can i set this up so that the breadcrumb used is reversed (as i want the product ame to be first not last for the page title)? Also, i seem to be getting extra '-'s where i shouldn’t.
Can anyone help?