If you have a look here: http://kmkwebdesign.ca/clients/dejavu/ you will see that the home page slider does NOT start automatically. However, if you click on the 3rd “dot” to go to the 3rd slider, you will see that it will automatically go back to the first slide. I want the slider to auto start right away, but I can’t figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
* Superfish v1.4.1 - jQuery menu widget
* Copyright (c) 2007 Joel Birch
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* CHANGELOG: http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/changelog.txt
$.superfish = {};
$.superfish.o = [];
$.superfish.op = {};
$.superfish.defaults = {
hoverClass : 'sfHover',
pathClass : 'overideThisToUse',
delay : 100,
animation : {opacity:'show'},
speed : 1500,
oldJquery : false, /* set to true if using jQuery version below 1.2 */
disableHI : false, /* set to true to disable hoverIntent usage */
// callback functions:
onInit : function(){},
onBeforeShow: function(){},
onShow : function(){}, /* note this name changed ('onshow' to 'onShow') from version 1.4 onward */
onHide : function(){}
$.fn.superfish = function(op){
var bcClass = 'sfbreadcrumb',
over = function(){
var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
out = function(){
var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$);
var o = getOpts(menu,true);
if ( !$$.is('.'+bcClass) ) {
if (o.$path.length){over.call(o.$path);}
getMenu = function($el){ return $el.parents('ul.superfish:first')[0]; },
getOpts = function(el,menuFound){ el = menuFound ? el : getMenu(el); return $.superfish.op = $.superfish.o[el.serial]; },
hasUl = function(){ return $.superfish.op.oldJquery ? 'li[ul]' : 'li:has(ul)'; };
return this.each(function() {
var s = this.serial = $.superfish.o.length;
var o = $.extend({},$.superfish.defaults,op);
o.$path = $('li.'+o.pathClass,this).each(function(){
$(this).addClass(o.hoverClass+' '+bcClass)
$.superfish.o[s] = $.superfish.op = o;
$(hasUl(),this)[($.fn.hoverIntent && !o.disableHI) ? 'hoverIntent' : 'hover'](over,out)
var $a = $('a',this);
var $li = $a.eq(i).parents('li');
hideSuperfishUl : function(){
var o = $.superfish.op,
$ul = $('li.'+o.hoverClass,this).add(this).removeClass(o.hoverClass)
return this;
showSuperfishUl : function(){
var o = $.superfish.op,
$ul = this.addClass(o.hoverClass)
$ul.animate(o.animation,o.speed,function(){ o.onShow.call(this); });
return this;
$.fn.supposition = function(){
var $w = $(window), /* do this once instead of every onBeforeShow call*/
_offset = function(dir) {
return window[dir == 'y' ? 'pageYOffset' : 'pageXOffset']
|| document.documentElement && document.documentElement[dir=='y' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft']
|| document.body[dir=='y' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'];
onInit = function(){
/* I haven't touched this bit - needs work as there are still z-index issues */
$topNav = $('li',this);
var cZ=parseInt($topNav.css('z-index')) + $topNav.length;
$topNav.each(function() {
onHide = function(){
onBeforeShow = function(){
var $u = $(this);
var menuWidth = $u.width(),
parentWidth = $u.parents('ul').width(),
totalRight = $w.width() + _offset('x'),
menuRight = $u.offset().left + menuWidth;
if (menuRight > totalRight) {
$u.css('margin-left', '-152px');
var windowHeight = $w.height(),
offsetTop = $u.offset().top,
menuHeight = $u.height(),
baseline = windowHeight + _offset('y');
var expandUp = (offsetTop + menuHeight > baseline);
if (expandUp) {
$u.css('margin-top',baseline - (menuHeight + offsetTop));
return this.each(function() {
var o = $.superfish.o[this.serial]; /* get this menu's options */
/* if callbacks already set, store them */
var _onInit = o.onInit,
_onBeforeShow = o.onBeforeShow,
_onHide = o.onHide;
onInit : function() {
onInit.call(this); /* fire our Supposition callback */
_onInit.call(this); /* fire stored callbacks */
onBeforeShow: function() {
onBeforeShow.call(this); /* fire our Supposition callback */
_onBeforeShow.call(this); /* fire stored callbacks */
onHide : function() {
onHide.call(this); /* fire our Supposition callback */
_onHide.call(this); /* fire stored callbacks */