Slider Javascrip e Jquery

Hi everybody,
i downloaded an example of a web page with a slider.
The slider can make images and IFrame slide every X seconds or by clicking buttons.
( the example : “" )

There is a problem with the automatic slide of the IFrame. It doesn’t work and i can’t understand why.CAn you help me ?



Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

I’m afraid the link is broken.

You’re right.
This is the real link : “

Ok, well that’s a bunch of files.
I can’t see what’s not working for you, so you’re going to have to help us to help you.

What you need to do now is provide the minimum code to reproduce your problem.
Either make a jsfiddle, post a link to a (non-)working example, or paste the relevant code here.
Here are some tips on posting code.

I would like help you in helping me but i’m not good in JAVASCRIPT.
I downloaded that free-example and changed just few code in the HTML page.

The problem is that the iFrame that i put into the html code doesn’t slide automatically.
If i put images insted of iFrames, they slide automatically.

i think the problem is into the file jquery.js but , as previously said, i’m not good in javascript…
I was hoping that someone familiar with JAVASCRIPT can easily find the problem.

Maybe, maybe not, but if you’re not prepared to make a page demonstrating your problem, it’s quite doubtful.

Good luck!