From time to time, SitePoint publishes “Quick Tip” articles, which also feature here in the forums. You can find all of the latest ones tagged as quick-tip
Here is a list of the older Quick Tip articles that predate the Discourse article commenting integration.
##Quick Tip: Up and Running with Drupal 8 in Under Five Minutes
Bruno Škvorc demonstrates in a step by step procedure how one can get a Drupal 8 site fully up and running in under five minutes.
##Quick Tip: Make Sure Your PHP Version is Safe with Versionscan
Versionscan is a tool that can help you determine the outstanding faults of your installed version of PHP. Being aware of the problem is half the solution!
##Quick Tip: Install Recki-CT into a Vagrant Ubuntu Box
Here's how you can install Recki-CT and JitFu into a vagrant box in 4 short steps.
##Quick Tip: Install Zephir and Phalcon 2 on Vagrant
This quick tip will show you how to install Phalcon on a Homestead Improved instance, and will help you get a sample Phalcon app up and running.
##Quick Tip: 4 Steps to Install Custom PHP Extensions into Zend Server 7
This post will show you how to install custom PHP extensions into Zend Server 7. The tutorial focuses on Phalcon, but applies to all extensions.
##Quick Tip: Install Zend Server 7 on an Ubuntu 14.04 Vagrant Box
Here's how you can quickly install Zend Server 7 on an Ubuntu powered Vagrant box. For a detailed description of ZS7, see link inside.
##Guide: How to Install OroCRM on a Vagrant Box
Learn how to install a working instance of OroCRM on a Vagrant Homestead Improved box in this step by step guide by Bruno Skvorc.
##Quick Tip: ImpressPages4 on Homestead
ImpressPages4 is a dead simple CMS designed for non technical users as much as it is for technical users - see how to get it up and running on a VM in 60s!
##13 Steps to Get eZ Publish 5.x to Work on Homestead
Is it possible to get eZ Publish up and running in a Vagrant box hosted on Windows? Let's find out.
##Quick Tip: Get a Homestead Vagrant VM Up and Running
Get a Homestead VM up and running in under a couple of minutes on any platform.