Hello all. just playing w/some very simple basic js to try & learn it
this works for the rest (h3 & p ), but why is it not appending the image?
"use strict;"
var mainContent= document.getElementById("mainContent");
secondRow = document.getElementById("secondRow");
var newHead = document.createElement("h3");
var newPara = document.createElement("p");
var newImg = document.createElement("img");
newHead.innerHTML = "the new header for this div";
newPara.innerHTML = "the fancy new text for the new div";
newImg.src = "/img/imgSml.jpg";
also for the image variable. do i need the .src? i tried it first w/out. saw a stackoverflow bit of advice that had the .src
thx all
You need both a src and an alt to create an image.
The code you have shown does not have the secCo id in it - without seeing the complete code it is difficult to tell what is wrong.
Do you get any errors in the console?
Seems to work for me. The real issue must be somewhere else.
awww puppy!
Thank you all. Yes, will put the alt. i do on real live pages but it’s a good habit to do it always i suppose.
And yes Jeff. am embarrassed to say it was a typo i had missed, I put in the puppy url and it worked fine. so i double checked my code and found the typo.
Thank you all!
Not part of fixing the problem, but just want to throw this nit pick out there:
should be
mainContent.setAttribute.style.textAlign = "center";
The div align element is not technically supported in HTML5. Basically, most any HTML formatting (non-CSS) is considered to be deprecated. Using these attributes may cause headaches down the road because CSS overrides them.
Thank you mawburn. the tutorial i’am watching must be a bit dated then.
var mainContent= document.getElementById("mainContent");
mainContent.setAttribute.style.textAlign = "center";
did not go over well. says undefined…but i defined the variable w/var…
mainContent.style.textAlign = "center";
Sorry. My fault.
yeah right…you just wanted to see if i was going to try it out!