SEO Tool for WP

I’ve had but never setup the SEO Optimization tool for WordPress, because it looks a little daunting and most importantly will it be at least somewhat successful at what it should do, does anyone have any experience with it or are there other recommendations ?

I also use the All-in-One SEP pack with my blogs and clients’ blogs, however am going to be testing Yoast’s new one (as mentioned by TYPELiFE). Yoast is very well-known in the community for his SEO and WordPress knowledge, so I would recommend going ahead and trying this new plugin! :slight_smile:

WP Super Cache hasn’t always worked for me - I recommend W3 Total Cache for a good caching solution. :slight_smile:

There are really only three players in this field (in my humble opinion):

  • All in One SEO - the first on the block, does a good job, well used but relatively basic option set.
  • Platinum SEO Pack - took what AIO did and extended it (imports AIO settings) with canonical and redirections
  • WordPress SEO - Joost (aka Yoast), a well known WP contributor, has taken all his old seperate SEO plugins and rolled them in with the AIO and Platinum SEO plugin functionality to make the big-daddy of them all. Currently in open Beta with a few niggles and bugs, but would be my choice.

Thanks then I’ll stick with the SEO tool :slight_smile:

I’ve tried both sofar: All In One SEO and an other one which I can’t remember now lol. But the all in one seo is pretty cool and it does the job

I am using all in One seo, this is very good tool.
I am happy with that.

Yap, for bigger sites it can speed up the WP. But I’m not installed it for smaller blogs.

I recommend wp super cache,that would benefit for your site.

Totally agree with All-in-One SEO. I use it every time and will do so until Yoast’s plugin is out of beta.

All-in-One SEO is great, but another new plugin by Yoast, Wordpress SEO, just went into beta, and it looks like it might be a big competitor for the All-in-One SEO plugin.

Try to use refererX