SEO: My Google Organic Visits Have Dropped Dramatically. Cannot Understand!

What a chart :x

As you can see, my Google organic visits increased very consistently before. It peaked at 230+ visits on Aug 12, but since then the visits have decreased terribly and landed at around 10 visits yesterday. I cannot understand what the hell this is, because I have not touched this website for months, except one change that I suspect:

On Aug 12, I brought some old posts to the top by renewing their dates of posting. Does this affect SEO badly?

I use Wordpress platform, and plugin SEO by Yoast.

Thank you.

Honestly, that’s not that bad, and it’s a fairly recent issue so it could pick up. Check where your traffic is coming from, check where your backlinks come from, and ensure that your site was live for the entire day.

Blips do happen, and I wouldn’t jump immediately to it being a SEO issue.

Honestly, that’s not that bad, and it’s a fairly recent issue so it could pick up. Check where your traffic is coming from, check where your backlinks come from, and ensure that your site was live for the entire day.

Blips do happen, and I wouldn’t jump immediately to it being a SEO issue.

Hi, Ultimate. Thank you for your response (I am really waiting for experts’ response now :p)

Please note that the chart shows Google organic visits solely (I selected to display only the organic searches). My other traffic sources (referral and direct) are very stable.

Therefore, this is just a problem why people couldn’t see my site when searching Google. My site was live during the period (I cannot ensure that it was live for entire days, but it was live when I visited the site myself on a daily basis).

Do someone have any idea?

The problem is that you’re listing a single, recent day. There are countless reasons why such a drop could occur, and I’m afraid that the best course of action, in my opinion, would be to wait it out and see if this is just a blip or a slump.

I’ve had this a few times, and they’ve been blips. I’d say give it a week and see if the form is sustained.

Thank you, Ultimate. I will wait at least a week to see if the situation improves.

Many thanks!

Something clearly happened, but this is not enough data for anyone to give you any possible explanation.

Thank you. I will wait to see if the traffic automatically recovers.