Sending mails only with MX (without SPF & DKIM)

I have question about sending mails.

Should I validate that all records (mx, spf, dkim etc) are set correctly before I send out mail for a domain name, or is it enough to check mx?

For example, if I start sending mail for a domain that only has a correct mx record, but not spf or dkim. Could this increase the risk of my mail server being classified as spam?

It doesn’t matter if some emails ends up in spam (because all records will be entered eventually), it’s the server I’m worried about. So what I’m wondering is it better to wait until all the puzzle pieces are in place, or can you start sending as soon as mx is in place?

Nowadays I would certainly check that SPF and DKIM are set up correctly before sending anything. Gmail pretty much auto marks everything as spam that doesn’t have those nowadays, and I’m sure other large providers do as well.


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