I am using SASS, Bootstrap 3.3.7 in my project for layout of my website. But problem is that when I link Bootstrap in my head tag than SASS is not working. when I remove bootstrap than SASS is working fine.
Can any buddy help me out.
Thanks in advance
Can you post a minimal code snippet demonstrating your problem?
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At least post the code at the top of your HTML page through the open <body>
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thanks for your kind response, its working now
Can you tell us what you found was the problem and what you did to fix it?
Sharing your findings may help someone else who visits here.
actually its was working, but my SASS compiler is not set to auto compile mode, when I set sass compiler to auto compile than both sass and bootstrap work fine. I am using scout App for compiling.
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Thank you for the information, @awaiszaki14.
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