Revolution Slider settings

On I would like the slide to fit in the window as shown below, I tried several different settings but couldn’t find the correct one.

You probably need to look in-depth at the documentation for the rev slider as I’m guessing the image is sized to ‘cover’ the area and suitable for general images that do not have an explicit design (such as a seaview or similar which could be cropped without losing the essence of the picture).

You obviously need your image contained in the space but that may mean getting gaps depending on how the slider is configured. I don’t know anything about rev slider as such but you can try this css fix to see if its suitable.

Add this:

.tp-bgimg {background-size:contain!important;}

I can’t guarantee that it will do what you want or won’t have unwanted side effects.

Indeed it works like that but as you said it would be better to have rev slider doing the job, I had a look at the documentation and made a few tries but couldn’t find the way to achieve it.

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