Replacing 1 color with 2 new colors

Blue play svg gets removed, replaced by Green & Orange

To do that I did this:
Is that good, did I do this right?

And would you change visited to a different name?
Should it be called something different?

.played.visited {
  fill: green;

.played {
  fill: orange;
  function markAsVisited(played) {

  function markAsPlayed(played) {

Maybe changing the names to this instead?

Unless if I would be writing the code differently.

If how it is written is fine/good, then it just comes down to picking what names to call each.

.secondColor.firstColor {
  fill: green;

.secondColor {
  fill: orange;
  function markAsVisited(played) {

  function markAsPlayed(played) {

I don’t see any logic to the sequence of color changes so call it what you want. If you have a reason why there is a change in color then that would be the hint at what classname to use.


Blue is the initial state meaning, that play button has not been clicked.

Green, the next color means, that button was pressed 1 time.

Orange, the next color means, that same button was clicked a 2nd time.

That was my thinking in coming up with the color changes.

Maybe I don’t need that many color changes and should just stick to the 1.

Where it just changes to 1 color.

I don’t think adding in a pause svg would make sense being that, the Play svg would then only be seen 1 time on that button, then after it is clicked, would be on Pause, and stay as Pause. So, you would end up just re-clicking the same pause button.

The code isn’t even set up that way now that I think of it.

The video resets every time the Exit button is clicked.

The code uses this: player.destroy();

Removes the <iframe> containing the player.

So, adding a pause svg makes no sense in this case.

I could add a stop svg, but the same scenario as with adding a pause.

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