Quik fire bug help needed!


First, not sure where to post this. Mod. if this wrong forum, pls move it kindly.

I am strugling to find the source css file of a div in my blog.

assume you have firebug installed.

here you go,
visit my blog
there is a tag cloud widget on the right side bar.
if you shoot that widget with your firebug, the div id will show


i want to know which css file contain this wpcumuluswidgetcontent827150 style ?


There’s no CSS file for it. It’s a Flash file.

hai kohutek,
i mean this id.


It isn’t defined in your CSS. It’s just a HTML element with no CSS styling.

oh is it :rofl:

thank you kohoutek.
btw, if you can pls tell, normally where it is showing the css file name for a selected style :slight_smile:

It doesn’t. If you would like to have that functionality, you should install something like Firefox’ Web Developer toolbar or something similar. :slight_smile:

In firebug if you select an element on the screen or in the .html on the left the .css styles associated with that element are displayed on the right. Above the .css on the right it tells you what .css file the corresponding code is located in. :slight_smile:

got it thank you :slight_smile:

<div id="wpcumuluswidgetcontent827150" style="border: 2px solid rgb(255, 209, 175);">

This is what is containing your jQuery tag cloud widget.
You should be able to position this div with CSS.

#wpcumuluswidgetcontent827150 {
    border:2px solid #RGB;
    /* Put other styles here to position the element. */

great! yah i put a border now there with a color change.

i am banging my head on the wall for last one hour with another problem regarding tag coud and fancybox (lightbox alternative) :rofl:

if you or anyone could help me with this problem, a great relief.

here you go.

visit this page
and pls click the icon shown in red circle. the fancy box will popup.

you will see the Tag cloud will overlap the fancy box and make untidy. i want to send the tag cloud behind fancy box. i tried changing the z-index thing. but no success. may be i am not undestand z-index well.

can you kindly try to send that tagcloud behind fancy box with your firebug?