Query result

Hi guys, i have been posting in the SQL section with a few other issues and the result of the issues has led to a problem which i believe is more suited to the PHP forums.

The original thread is here http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/mysql-182/query-sum-765938.html

This is what im having a problem with. I have this query:

$sql = "SELECT user_id, name
, sum(hours_worked) AS sum_hours
, location, sum(lunch) AS sum_lunch
, sum(break) AS sum_break
, sick, holiday
, clock_status.pay_rate AS pay_rate 
, amend_time BETWEEN '$period1' AS week1
, amend_time BETWEEN '$period2' AS week2
, amend_time BETWEEN '$period3' AS week3
, amend_time BETWEEN '$period4' AS week4
FROM clock_status , staff				
WHERE auth = 1 and clock_status.user_id = staff.staff_number
and clock_status.location = '3301'
GROUP BY user_id, week1, week2, week3, week4, pay_rate ";

And im trying to echo the value of sum_hours by week1 / sum_hours by week2 …etc

How do i go about this?

I dont want to post the code as there is a hell of a lot but the result is in a while loop and if i just echo $row[‘sum_hours’] it works perfectly…

however it needs to be something like $row[‘sum_hours’] by $row[‘week1’] for example.

any ideas?

i suggest you test your sql first, before working on the php

you’ve got some really bad syntax errors in your FROM clause

This query won’t work (it’s the one with the BETWEEN lines in the FROM clause). Why don’t you post the correct one?

if i just echo $row[‘sum_hours’] it works perfectly…

however it needs to be something like $row[‘sum_hours’] by $row[‘week1’] for example.

And doesn’t it work when you echo $row[‘sum_hours’] by $row[‘week1’]?

A 1000 apologies, I copied the wrong code, i have now amended the post with the correct code.

as for the $row[‘sum_hours’] by $row[‘week1’] bit that was how i want it to echo but i dont know the syntax to do it.

This is actually a being used in PHPexcel to export the data into excel, the current line of code for that particular cell is:

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('I' . $row, '='.$d['sum_hours'].'/86400');

but changes to the project requirement means having to split that cell into a weeks data so the whole spreadsheet will have 4/5 columns like that - one for each week.

Ok, lets see if i can simplify my requirement as i seem to be getting nowhere fast… i know there is a genius out there with the answer somewhere… :lol:

ok this is the query (changed slightly)

user_id, name
, sum(hours_worked) AS sum_hours
, location, sum(lunch) AS sum_lunch
, sum(break) AS sum_break
, sick, holiday
, clock_status.pay_rate AS pay_rate 
, amend_time >= '$period1s' AND amend_time < '$period1e' AS week1
, amend_time >= '$period2s' AND amend_time < '$period2e' AS week2
, amend_time >= '$period3s' AND amend_time < '$period3e' AS week3
, amend_time >= '$period4s' AND amend_time < '$period4e' AS week4

FROM clock_status , staff

WHERE auth = 1 and clock_status.user_id = staff.staff_number
and clock_status.location = '3301'

GROUP BY user_id, week1, week2, week3, week4, pay_rate

this will give me all the hours in the database for the ranges above.

while($d = mysql_fetch_array($query10)){
echo $d['sum_hours'];

how do i make it give me sum_hours by week no.

sum_hours from week1
sum_hours from week2

Hopefully this makes a bit more sense…