Putting your e-mail on your page

I don’t want to put a link to it directly for obvious reasons. I considered maybe making an image with my e-mail in it but I hear that can be troublesome for screen readers. Any suggestions? I’m already working on a contact form.

Contact form would be my suggestion. Can you use someone else’s form until you’ve finished yours?

There’s this one by Chris Coyier, I’m about to use it on a site I’m finishing up for work.


Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk

Certainly. So long as it’s not using server-side scripting. I read on another forum that it’s good to include both your e-mail and a contact form.

I checked your link smutek. Unfortunately I have no experience with PHP. I’m thinking of going with a HTML based one for now.

Without some scripting, the form data won’t send. So an ‘HTML-based’ one is meaningless, I’m afraid.

One thing you can do is to use a service to ‘obfuscate’ the raw email address. That is, you convert it into a mish-mash of code that a spam bot can’t read, but which displays fine on screen. These can never be perfect, but they are pretty good. I often use this one, for example:


Does inserting spaces into the email address help prevent spam?

Most likely if you did insert spaces it would do however the e-mail will no longer act as a link: somebody @ somewhere .com (I am referring to source code and mailto: obviously - not browser view).

If the address in the web page or web page source is readable to anyone then if the spambots can’t read it now either they will be able to eventually or if the spammer doesn’t want to wait that long they’ll employ someone cheap to capture it for them.

A form that adds the address after submitting is the only way that will always work.

My experience is that using @ instead of @ (in both the href and the text) is fairly effective at preventing harvesting – it isn’t foolproof, but it leads to a tiny fraction of the spam that using @ gets.