Problem with sticky nav

Hi there guys, I have this problem. When I scroll down the page I get my main navigation bar overlay the website nav which is stickyed (I hope this is the right term). (just scroll the page)
In Firebug I can see that the CSS rule that define it is this one: { position: fixed; top: 32px; width: 1200px;}

If I change the value of “top:” it works. The problem is that I can’t find this rule in any CSS file that I’m currently using.
Oh, I just found that if I’m not logged in it doesn’t work at all (so probably you can’t see what I mean). So I did a video to let you understand (in the meanwhile I’ll try to figure out why it is working only when I’m logged in WP - if you have some suggestions they are appreciated :slight_smile: )…

A general rule of thumb is that if you find yourself seeing styles applied via style=“”, it’s usually Javascript setting those styles (JS sets them like that).

So whatever plugin or script you are using for that, I’d look there as the culprit. What plugin are you using?

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No plugins, but it’s a custom WP theme. Anyway, the thing works also if you’re not logged, but it’s completely overlayed by the other nav so you just can’t see it.

When I scroll down this change:






This is the content of jquery.sticky.js:
This is the content of sticky-settings.js:
The theme use Sticky Plugin v1.0.2 for jQuery. I opened it but there is no code for “top: 32px”.

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