Pls guide me to become FullStack Developer

Everyone is talking about FullStack Developers. It’s a trend. I want to know any source which will explain this topic in detail and guide me step by step

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Any questions, let us know.


The best thing to do is to start building a project and to try and figure things out as you go. There are a ton of resources out there to help you get started either on YouTube or Google which will definitely help but try not to get stuck in the tutorial loop. :wink:

Start with YT videos, follow along and go from there.

You would probably want to start with HTML & CSS for your front end along with some JS and then following that do some research into PHP & MySQL for all of your server side stuff. Then when you’re feeling more confident you can look into other avenues.

Just my two cents. :+1:t2:

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Get a subscription to SitePoint and read all of their books!

(When SP starts offering PDFs that I can “own” then I might take my own advice!) :wink:


The link you posted says that to become a Full-Stack Developer takes 8-12 months.

That is a pipe-dream!! I would say more like 8-12 years!!

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I agree, also important to bear in mind that if you don’t focus in anything in particular at some point you will stand-out at nothing, so it will be really hard to get a market edge. Having said that if you’re a full-stack plus you are proficient in one of those things, then you will have an edge in the market. It’s close to impossible to master all parts of the stack so there will always be someone better than you at any one given thing.


No it isn’t. If you obsess about every single detail and feel like you have to master 100% of every subject before you can move on, then you’ll never get anywhere.

Instead, invest some time in mastering the basics, maybe do a boot camp, start writing code and putting it out there (this part is important), get an entry level dev position and you’ll be well on your way.


So the first useful advice I will provide is that php is basically dead. There are no good php jobs anywhere. Even if there are php jobs those jobs are maintaining old, legacy software and that is no fun. If you want to become a full stack dev learn a programming language like java, c#. Don’t only learn those languages but learn the major web frameworks associated with them such as; .NET Core, Spring. That will provide a basis for back-end dev. For front-end dev you will want to learn javascript. You will also want to learn one or more of the modern js framework such as; React, Vue, or Angular. That will provide much of what you need. If you want to take it a step further learn cloud architecture. Either AWS or Azure Devops. Learn how to tie all those together to build a modern age web app. Some people would probably also say you need html and css. Yeah… its good to have but honestly having a back-end, front-end, and cloud technology is more than enough. It is sad to say but the day of dedicated engineers for html and css is gone. Most people just assume you can figure that stuff out if you know everything else. Not to mention employers won’t be testing you on html and css beyond some basics. I spent 10 years in php land. Had I not moved to front-end development using Angular 3 years ago I would be completely screwed. I do not recommend spending one moment with php in this day and age. I only wish those 10 years of php was with C#… if only.


Another useful advice is to intelligently use some white-space in your code to make reading easy. :wink:

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Yes, you are right.


Agree. In fact Ill take it one step further. As serverless progresses, cloud will become more and more of a thing. Frankly I was a bit shocked when we started moving our stuff to AWS. At my place of work, here is what a full sack should know:

.Net, C#, AWS, Git, html, css/ sass, Javascript(ES6), React, Redux, Sagas, Webpack, Jest / Enzyme… plus some other things I’m sure to forget.

TECHNICALLY, I’m a front-end developer. My day to day job revolves me working on the front end of the site, that being said. Recently we added a new / updated part to the page that runs off of GraphQlLwith Apollo server sitting on top of and Express server in node inside a Docker container in AWS. I built the whole thing from server to css, so what does that actually make me?? At home for projects I set up a LOT of MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) projects… again, what does that make me? Its all JS, so since I don’t know a “backend language”, am I not full stack? I also set up JAMstack sites (Javascript, API’s, Markup), where I don’t even have to worry about a server.

Nope 100% not true. You want a “full stack” job (whatever that means now a days), you should DEFINITELY know this stuff. One of the smartest guys I worked with was a whiz with the backend and React, but (and admittedly) couldn’t do CSS and didn’t have a full grasp of semantic markup, so never got thru to “full stack”.

Again 100% not true. We most definitely want to see if you know whats up with this as well. All this being said my ACTUAL advise is to pick one or the other. Its hard enough keeping up with the ever changing front end landscape, adding back end to it would just add to the load.

Here’s a little site covering what I was speaking on:
Ooops I guess we’re full-stack developers

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I assume you mean definitely.

Sure did, lol.

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What he/she said.

I said that - per the quote in the article you posted - that it is a “pipe-dream” to become a full-stack developer in 8-12 months.

You disagree with that?

For someone starting from scratch - or even with newbie skills - I challenge anyone to even become a “master” at HTML or CSS in 8-12 months.

There are people here at SitePoint that have spent nearly a decade just focusing on HTML and CSS and I bet some of them still feel like they are learning!

The general rule I have heard is that it takes about 10 years to “master” any given topic - and that assumes you do it day in and day out.

Do I believe that some could “push the envelope” and claim “mastery” of several IT topics in 8-10 years? Yes.

But for most, it will take 3-4 years to gain true proficiency in any given topic.

Nothing happens in “months”…

Can the OP become a Full-Stack Developer? Yes. Will it take you years to get to a point that you can land a legitimate job doing it? You better believe so.

Better hope you are in your 20’s and not in your 40’s or 50’s, otherwise you may be wasting your time…

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I have been at this over 30 years and I still learn new things every single day.

It’s perfectly possible in that timescale. If it were untrue, boot camps couldn’t exist, and they generally run for 12-16 weeks in most cases. I did mine with General Assembly and secured my first role a month after I finished the course. Was I the finished article? Not even close, but virtually everyone on my course (30 of us) secured roles within the first 6 months of completing the course.



Saying that you know how to do something, and even landing a job, after 8-12 months is conceivable. But actually knowing what in the hell you are doing after 8-12 months is a joke.

Ever hear about “paper MCSEs” of the late 90s and early aughts?

It depends if the OP just wants to “get by” or wants to take pride at what he/she is doing and truly master it. And no one can master any one thing in under a year. Basically proficiency? Yes. Mastery? No way.

A truly qualified “Full-Stack Developer” can easily command US$80-$100/hour.

A Bootcamp is enough to land you a job paying $40-$60k.

Huge difference.

My advice to the OP is pick 1-3 technologies you are most interested in. Spend the next year or two trying to become as proficient as possible. Simultaneously start building a portfolio applying said technologies. And as they become easier, add in new technologies to your tool belt.

A Full-Stack Developer should be able to go buy a server, set it up, secure it, then on the app side design and build out a fully normalized(/denormalized) database, write all of the back-end server-side application code, build the front-end GUI,fill it with useful content, tune it for performance, optimize it for SEO, and ultimately sell it to someone or make money off of it. Building a profitable online web app from soup-to-nuts. The whole shebang!

You can get there, but set realistic expectations…

Good luck!! :slight_smile:

This might just be a side-effect of PHP being used by close to 80% of the web (10% more than 10 years ago). Whereas PHP might not be the most fashionable choice to make these days it is very hard for me to agree that PHP is dead or that it will ever be in the near future.


I might be venting a bit. However, I have been on the job market for a few months. I have seen what is in demand. It is not php. The job market saturated with React and Angular for front-end. For back-end it is .NET and Java for micro-service or monolithic REST API development. Also cloud tech like AWS or Azure. Docker is also huge. Being able to deploy applications using containerization technologies and environments like Kubernetes. When I say what I say about php I just relate back to the countless posts here about people learning php. I just wonder why. Like no one cares. Especially if you want a high paying job in tech. Maybe for maintaining websites but like php has been mostly obsolesced with micro-services and javascript front-ends for modern web apps. I don’t think I’ve seen but one or two emails about php jobs. Mostly they are about Magento. No one wants to do that. The age of the Monolithic CMS is over. Its important to remain marketable in this industry. So when I see people learning php I just can’t help to say why. I spent 10 years in php and that is all useless. The only thing people / companies care about is my last three years using Angular. Also my last 6 months of .NET Core / C# using micro-services. Every Full stack dev job which I have applied or interviewed has come down to knowing C#, Java, or Python better, with more experience. The meaning of full stack has changed with the evolution of web with micro-services and javascript driven front-ends.

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