I like https://www.freecodecamp.org/ to learn developer skills. They also have a full-stack certification. You can look around the forum to find out how long it took others to complete it.
This is totally true. The web has moved forward. Knowing AWS suite and Python, C# and node.js is more likely to land you a job backend wise than php now a days.
I was talking to someone leaving my company (Published backend architect), and when I mentioned the use of PHP he kinda laughed and went “yeah I know Latin also”, and this is from someone who is currently looking. The fact that he worked with me on our little graphQL project got more interest, just things to keep in mind when you choose.
Now my turn .
You are right that PHP is not the latest trend, but trends are fuelled by novelty and a little ignorance of the new. In tech there are no silver bullets and it takes some time to realise the price of the tradeoffs of the decisions you made to build an application that will last for years.
And with the fast pace of the web the age of monolithic Angular and React apps is already upon us, and I think they are doing no favour to the web at large, we should have embraced web components a long time ago and we would already be far ahead, with truly reusable quality components instead of half baked Angular and React components that are tied to a specific framework. A couple of years later all of those stakeholders will be wondering how to get out of that monolithic framework and will be stuck with old tech.
Also that market saturation will mostly be targeting entry-level devs without a lot of experience and who are able to get around with those frameworks, which is by far a different thing than hiring a senior JavaScript developer who can pick up any framework in a matter of days. I think unfortunately the industry is overseeing having good developers and architects in favour of hiring devs experienced on X framework, but that is anyways businesses trying to save money and where most of the saturation comes from.
I’m not sure I prefer any of those jobs to maintaining an existing Wordpress application.
IMHO opinion the age of monolithic CMS has only just begun. It is by virtue of them that the web is closer to a huge amount of smaller businesses without a big budget or less technical people and I think this will never change. Web CMS is a really new thing that still has to evolve and improve a lot. And I think we are going to witness that evolution in the coming years.
Again when the web runs 80% on PHP is hard for me to see the uselessness in knowing PHP. Anyways it is just another programming language, once you know it you can pick up others if you like.
I wasn’t going to add more to this but, your using this term wrong in this context.Its not monolithic because its React or Angular ad monolithic is more of an overall architecture/implementation. In fact React kinda works better with microservices. A React app sure can be part of a monolith, but doesn’t HAVE to be.
To start, I have NOTHING against PHP. I started in this field doing Wordpress so I get it… that being said, lol. I do keep seeing the 80% number getting thrown around but to be COMPLETELY fair, 60% of those are using an outdated/ no longer supported version. So that’s (does quick math in head), like 48% rounding of the internet running on outdated possibly not secure code. But hey, fair is fair and I’m willing to bet a ton of sites are using unsecured jquery as well.
And that last bit is the one that counts. So ye ole Personal Home Page has been overhauled and changed what like 7 major times? All things can change. Obviously you have an issue with React and Angular for whatever reason, to each there own. But these (esp React and Vue) are steps AWAY from this monolith your raging into the light about. Wordpress itself has exposed an API for micro-services so even they see the value and made an update to stay relevant no matter WHICH way the wind blows. Again please keep in mind I did start as a full stack PHP developer.
And PHP should not be blamed for it as it is already far ahead despite the adoption of new versions. It is exactly the same thing that will happen with all those Angular and React apps in a few years. I forgot to mention I work maintaining an old AngularJS app and we are stuck years behind the web for it, and there is no easy way out. So this has already started.
I think they’re great to build something fast (like a to-do app) and learn in order to get an entry-level position in the industry fast.
Personally, in my own opinion, if used to build an application that has some expected longevity and needs to survive time and be at the edge of web technology: the main thing is that once you’re in it is hard to get out, and I believe they’ve designed them like this in order to gain market advantage. React can be a bit of a monolith because it completely enforces the way in which you should build your application. They have abstracted the only API that works across the board, the DOM API and all just so that you can write templates in JavaScript. Probably the only part which is ever hardly reused in web development are HTML templates. Functional JavaScript does not need to care in the least about HTML structure or non functional styles, and my experience tells me the way to achieve most reusability is by separating those. Somehow React promotes the old HTML, CSS, JavaScript spaghetti in one file. And I’m not impressed either about the whole set of usability and accessibility issues that the new sites built with these frameworks present.
Yeah but it is what it tends to be.
I have a little fear whenever running npm audit in any of the ‘new’ JavaScript applications. It normally reveals many critical vulnerabilities and most businesses turn a blind eye on it, no matter how much they rave about security.
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